League of War Wiki
Menes XI
Rank 3, Level 36
Rank 3, Level 36
Primary Statistics
Minimum Maximum
Attack 2879 ???
Defense 4312 ???
Overall 6658 ???
Secondary Statistics
Minimum Maximum
Damage 1200 ???
Fire Rate 0.33/s
Range 25
Area Effect 12
Health 2400 ???
Armor 152 ???
Move Speed 4
Recharge 13

Light artillery that fires toxic shells that are devastating to infantry.


Offense: This is very devastating to infantry being able to wipe out a rocket squad in one shot when leveled. It can also damage lightly armored recon units and artillery units. They should keep away from tanks and helicopters at all cost so never send one out without support

Defense: These are very lightly armored so send anything with armor and a gun after it. Just make sure these can't target your infantry swarms and they can easily be taken out by long range artillery or helicopters as well.

Variant Specialty[]

The Menes XI is the armored variant.

See Also[]


